IWC Stuttgart Club Meeting and Evening Get Together Dates for 2012

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If you are the kind of person who likes to plan ahead a bit, here is a complete list of 2012 dates for our upcoming meetings and dinners:

Monthly Club Meetings – Wednesday mornings at 10:00 at Cafe Merlin:
March 7th
June 13th
July 4th
October 10th
December 5th (International Brunch)

Monthly Club Meetings – Wednesday evenings at 20:00 at KPMG Offices
May 2nd
September 12th

Months without a regular club meeting:
February (due to AGM)
April (due to school holidays)
August (due to school holidays)
November (due to Annual Charity Event)

Evening Get Togethers (Monthly Dinners) – Tuesdays at 19:00, Locations TBD
March 20th
April 17th
May 15th
June 19th
July 17th
August 21st
September 18th
October 16th
December 11th (Holiday Dinner & Gift Exchange)

All dates are subject to change and members will be notified of any changes in the monthly newsletter.

If you have any questions about these dates or would like more information about becoming a member, please contact us using the form below.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’2012 Club Meetings’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]

Coming up in Spring 2012

There, doesn't that feel better? (Photo courtesy of

It may not feel like it when you are reading this, but spring will soon be arriving in Stuttgart!

So that you have something to look forward to, here is a list of some of the IWCS events in the pipeline for Spring 2012 (subject to change):

  • Turner – Monet – Twombly Later Paintings Exhibit at the Staatsgalerie
  • English-language tour of the new Stuttgart Library
  • Spa weekend in Baden Baden
  • Dinner at a new Chilean restaurant

If this list inspires you to think of other possible outings for your fellow IWC Stuttgart members, please contact our fabulous Activities Coordinator, Laura Lenz, using the form below.

[contact-form subject=”IWCS Event Ideas” to=””] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]

Member’s Moment – What’s in Your Coffee Cup?

Photo courtesy of

by Anuradha Kipf

I love to taste coffee in different ways, it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling that far surpasses any comfort food. However, it can be daunting to walk into a café and pick from the long list of coffees on the menu. My fascination and understanding of this intense brown fluid ascended when I tried to educate myself, culinary-wise, and understand what was in this mysterious beverage. Almost instantly, coffee became my best friend. Let me share with you what I discovered and how different types of coffees are prepared. Happy coffee time!

Caffè Americano: A single shot of espresso with about 30 ml of hot water added to the mix. The name for this coffee drink stemmed from Americans, who weren’t up to drinking full espressos.

Iced Americano: This is made by combining espresso with cold water instead of hot water.

Espresso: A Strong black coffee made by forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground compacted coffee.

Caffè Lungo: Lungo is Italian for ‘long’, and refers to the coffee beverage made by using an espresso (single or double dose or shot) with much more water (generally twice as much), resulting in a stretched espresso, a lungo. A Caffè Lungo should not be mistaken for a Caffè Americano, which is an espresso with hot water added to it

Black coffee:  A drip brew, percolated or French press style coffee served straight, with no milk.

Caffe latte:  A single shot of espresso in steamed (not frothed) milk. The ratio of milk to coffee is about 3:1

Cafe au lait: Similar to Caffe Latte, except that an au lait is made with brewed coffee instead of espresso. Additionally, the ratio of milk to coffee is 1:1, which makes it less intense.

Cappuccino: Usually equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, often with cinnamon or flaked chocolate sprinkled on top.

Dry cappuccino: A regular cappuccino, only with a smaller amount of foam, and no steamed milk at all.

Cafe Macchiato:  A shot of espresso with steamed milk added. The ratio of coffee to milk is approximately 4:1.

Hammerhead: A real caffeine fix, this drink consists of a shot of espresso in a regular-sized coffee cup, which is then filled with drip coffee. Also known as a ‘shot in the dark’.

Double or double shot: Just as it sounds, this is two shots of espresso mixed in with the regular amount of additional ingredients. For example, if I was to make a double hammerhead, I would put two shots of espresso into a coffee cup, and fill it with the drip blend, rather than the usual single espresso shot.

Espresso con panna:  Basic standard espresso with a shot of whipped cream on top.

Frappe: Originally a cold espresso prepared adding 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee with sugar, water and ice. The brew is placed in a long glass with ice, and milk if you like, turning it into a big coffee milkshake.

Indian filter coffee: Indian filter coffee is made from rough ground, dark-roasted coffee beans. It’s drip-brewed for several hours in a traditional metal coffee filter before being served. The ratio of coffee to milk is usually 3:1.

Red eye: This is a fortified coffee drink in which espresso is combined with normal drip brew coffee.

Instant coffee: These grounds have usually been freeze-dried and turned into soluble powder or coffee granules.

Irish coffee: A coffee spiked with Irish whiskey, with cream on top.

Arabic coffee/Turkish coffee: This traditional coffee brewing is flavour-rich with cardamom, and sometimes other spices like saffron (to give it a golden color), cloves, and cinnamon. This method uses coffee beans that are not roasted.

Caffé mocha: This popular drink is basically a cappuccino or latte with chocolate syrup added to it.

Vienna coffee: It is made by preparing two shots of strong black espresso in a standard sized coffee cup and infusing the coffee with whipped cream until the cup is full. Then the cream is twirled and optionally topped off with chocolate sprinklings.

Invitation to a new choir in Bad Canstatt (in German)

Photo courtesy of

For those of you who are interested in singing, this invitation was recently sent to the IWC Stuttgart email box. A quick search of Google found this affiliated link.

Neu in Stuttgart
” Chor der Kulturen ”
Am 12. Januar 2012 beginnt in Stuttgart
ein neuer internationaler Chor zu proben.

Ziel des Chores
Menschen aus den verschiedenen in Stuttgart angesiedelten Kulturen mit
Liedern aus ihrer Heimat und der ganzen Welt zusammen zu führen.

Wer kann mitsingen?
Junge Menschen zwischen 18 und 40 Jahren die Freude am Singen haben.

Erster Auftritt
Juli 2012 beim Festival der Kulturen auf dem Marktplatz mit
weltbekannten Melodien.

Jeden Donnerstag 19:30 Uhr in Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt
Waiblinger Straße 27 (Kolpinghaus)

Herzlich Willkommen!
Uljana Lauterbach
Telefon 0711-484818

Roland Maier
Telefon 07150-41367
e-mail  e-mail

(Please note that the IWCS does not endorse nor have we checked out the validity of this information.)

February 16, 2012: German Movie Night – Prospective Members welcome!

Since we will not be hosting our usual Evening Get Together this month, prospective members are welcome to attend this special event instead!

Practice your German and have some fun with host Laura Lenz at the IWC German Movie Night this month.

We will be seeing the film “Für Immer Liebe” (“The Vow” in English), which is about a newlywed couple that must rediscover love. A car accident puts Paige (the wife) in a coma. Upon waking from her coma,  she has severe memory loss,  and her husband endeavors to win her heart again. (For more about the movie, click here)

We plan to meet up before the movie at 18:30 for a snack or dinner at the restaurant CBC, which is located in the same building just down the hall from the entrance to the cinema.

If you plan on driving, reduced rate parking is available at the SI-Centrum parking garage with a cinema-validated ticket for only €2.50.

For questions or to RSVP for this event, please use the contact form below.

[contact-form subject=”RSVP to Feb German movie night” to=””] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” /] [/contact-form]

Extras wanted for TV pilot shoot in Stuttgart area (German)

We recently received this invitation from an assistant director for a local TV project looking for extras. The invitation is in German, but the homepage she links to below is in English.
(Please note that the IWCS does not endorse nor have we checked out the validity of this information.)

Komparsen gesucht für Diplomserie „Killing all the Flies“ (10.-29. Februar 2012)

Es handelt sich um eine non-profit Kooperation zwischen der Filmakademie, ProSiebenSat1 und der Ufa.

Wir suchen zahlreiche Komparsen verschiedenen Alters (Jung, Alt, männlich, weiblich…), eine internationale Mischung von Leuten, da Stuttgart und Umgebung in eine amerikanische Großstadt verwandelt wird.

Drehzeit wird vom 10.-29. Februar 2012 sein und hauptsächlich in Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Esslingen und evtl. Bietigheim-Bissingen stattfinden. Wir brauchen für eine Szene auch Bauarbeiter, also kräfitge Männer… Kinder, Passanten (Jung/Alt), und für eine Discoszene auch Jugendliche im Alter von 15-30.

Wer Interesse hat an dem Film mitzuwirken, schickt bitte ein einfaches Foto (Portrait und Ganzkörperfoto) und seine Kontaktdaten an (please use contact form below).

Da wir ein Hochschulprojekt sind, sind wir sehr knapp budgetiert und können daher keine Gage an Team, Schauspieler oder Komparsen zahlen.

Nichts desto trotz bieten wir Verpflegung (heisse/kalte Getränke und Snacks), erste Kontakte zu Filmschaffenden und viel Einblick hinter die Kulissen einer Filmproduktion.
Um einen guten Eindruck von unserer Regisseurin Hanna Maria Heidrich zu bekommen, finden Sie unter dem Link ihren letzten Spot, mit dem sie dieses Jahr in Cannes 3x Gold gewonnen hat.

Der Kameramann Stephan Burchardt hat letztes Jahr den deutschen Kamerapreis gewonnen.

Hier auch noch unsere Homepage.

Unter der Rubrik “help us” gibt es auch noch mehr Infos zu uns und dem Projekt.

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns unterstützen könnten?
Bei Rückfragen können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren.
Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hören.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lisa Weinbrecht
Killing all the flies 2. Regie Assistentin

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FdK Invitation to “Alles Theater” (in German)

Einladung: Mittwoch, den 15. Februar, um 18.30 Uhr

Alles Theater

Stuttgarter Migrantenvereine im Gespräch

mit Stuttgarter Theatermachern


An alle Theater-Interessierten!

Wir alle möchten, dass künftig noch mehr Menschen, natürlich auch mehr Migrantinnen und Migranten ins Theater gehen  – egal ob in Gastspiele aus fernen Ländern oder zu Produktionen von Stuttgarter Bühnen, egal ob es sich um Kinder-, Jugend- oder Erwachsenentheater handelt, egal ob Amateure oder Profis am Werk sind.

Viele von Ihnen spielen selbst Theater oder organisieren Theateraufführungen und Gastspiele – oft unter schwierigen Bedingungen. Und die meisten von Ihnen sind sicherlich auch begeisterte Theaterbesucher oder wären es zumindest gerne, wenn Sie mehr Zeit hätten oder wenn Ihnen die Spielpläne besser zusagen würden.

Gemeinsam mit den Leitern verschiedener Stuttgarter Theater wollen wir diskutieren:

  • Mit welchen Schwierigkeiten haben Migrantenvereine bei ihrer Theaterarbeit zu kämpfen und wie könnte den Vereinen hierbei geholfen werden?
  • Wie können wir mehr Menschen, vor allem mehr Mitglieder Ihrer Vereine, für das Theater begeistern?
  • Was muss an den etablierten Theatern verändert werden, damit mehr Migrantinnen und Migranten ins Theater gehen

Wir laden Sie hierzu herzlich ein
am Mittwoch, den 15. Februar, um 18.30 Uhr
in die Räume des Forums der Kulturen
(Marktplatz 4, Eingang Schulstraße beim Juwelier)

Von Seiten der Theater nehmen an dem Gespräch teil:

  • Brigitte Dethier, Intendantin, Junges Ensemble Stuttgart (JES)
  • Katja Spiess, Theaterleitung, FITZ! Zentrum für Figurentheater
  • Esther Bernhardt, Theaterleitung, Studio Theater Stuttgart
  • Helga Brehme, Theaterleitung, Theater am Faden
  • Catja Baumann, Regisseurin, Schauspiel Stuttgart

Die teilnehmenden Theatermacher sind Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises, der im Herbst das interkulturelle Theaterfestival „Made in Germany“ veranstaltet hat.

Die Veranstaltung soll der Auftakt sein für einen längerfristigen Dialog und eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen Stuttgarter Theatern und Stuttgarter Migrantenvereinen.

Wir freuen uns über eine zahlreiche Teilnahme!
Sami Ari & Rolf Graser
Forum der Kulturen (contact them using the form below)

[contact-form subject=”Alles Theater 15 Feb 2012″ to=””] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]

2012 Membership Renewal

Photo courtesy of

By now all current members should have received an invoice for 2012 membership renewal fees with their invitation to our Annual General Meeting next month.

Our new accounting software has made it possible for us to issue these invoices this year for the first time. We hope this is useful for those of you who need to pass your bills on to someone else for payment and can be kept as part of your proof of payment for next year’s tax return.

If you have decided not to return for another year, please send your membership cancellation email to Billie Schoeler so we don’t keep sending you annoying reminder messages.

2012 Steering Committee Candidates

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

The IWC Stuttgart Steering Committee is a microcosm of the club itself. Members come and go as work assignments end or interests change. Every year we have some turnover in both the Steering Committee and the general membership.

This is one of the most interesting things about our club – we are dynamic and ever changing. There’s always new people to meet and new ideas to pursue.

At this year’s AGM, you’ll recognize some familiar names in new places and meet some new volunteers for our slate of candidates for 2012 Steering Committee positions. Thank you to everybody who has already sent their RSVP and will be coming to support the following members running for office:

Chairperson – Emily Born
Treasurer – Tonya Busch
Vice Chairperson and Charity Officer – Dorothee Klein

Mother’s Corner Coordinator – Sandra Bartsch
Member Communications Officer – Lisa Cvjen
Activities Coordinator – Laura Lenz
Secretary – Christy Miller
Public Relations Officer – Renea Miller
Membership Coordinator – Billie Schoeler

A big thank you to these candidates for volunteering their time and energy to make our club vibrant and exciting. This promises to be one of our strongest teams yet! As always, we will not be able to do our jobs without significant feedback from the general club membership so we are looking for ward to hearing your opinions, wishes and ideas in 2012.

See you on February 7th at the AGM!